Monday, March 30, 2009

Exploration of the Trojan War

1. Where did the Trojan War take place? Find a map of it. What are the modern names of the countries that were involved?

2. If you had to get there from "your country," using ancient technologies, how would you have to do it?

3. Create a map of your journey, and write a short description of how you would have to journey to get there.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welcome to Spring 09, Cycle 5

Last cycle we focused on research and presentation. The focus of this cycle will be reading, interpretation and writing skills.

When entering college, students need to have the reading and writing skills that will ensure success in their classes. By understanding and applying grammar and spelling rules and developing the level of their overall writing, students will find themselves equal to the task.

In order to familiarize yourself with basic, essential grammar rules, access Camilla's Rules of Comma Usage, Camilla's Rules of Apostrophe Usage, and Camilla's Grammar and Spelling Rules. When you proof-read your work, be sure to check it against these rules. Although initially I will review these corrections with you in your papers, as time goes on you will be responsible for correcting the work yourself. I will simply write "commas," or "apostrophes," or "spelling" at the top of the paper, and you will look for the errors and correct them, yourself. This mimics the process needed when writing a paper for college. Be careful not to turn in something that you have not proof-read. You can frequently correct your own mistakes, thus saving the discomfort of presenting a paper that misrepresents your writing level.

Access Tupac Shakur's "Dear Mama" Lyrics at this web site. Copy and paste the lyrics into Word.

Assignment: Without changing the actual words and leaving the slang as artistic license, can you correct the punctuation and spelling? Do so. Put your name at the top and put your work into your folder.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Assessment Criteria

In order to pass this class, you must have the completed the following:

In Your Folder
1. Your "Existential Questions" essay
2. Your 2 research articles for each myth, with the URLs on each
3. Your write up of the research, stated in your own words in the form of a story, written neatly.

In My Flash Drive
4. Your PowerPoint presentation, but you do not have to print it out. It must be saved to my Flash Drive.

Presented to the Class
5. In addition, you must have done your presentation, and been assessed by your peers.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Creation Myth Presentations

Are you prepared for your presentation? Make sure you have the following:
1) At least two sources for your creation myths in your folder, with the URLs clearly visible on each

2) Your write-up of the creation myth in your own words, legibly hand-written

3) Practice reading your creation myth story aloud, including pronouncing the often unfamiliar names of ancient Gods and places.

4) Your PowerPoint presentation, consisting of step-by-step illustrations to your story. Your PowerPoint presentation must start with a slide of the country or region of origin of your creation myth.

Be prepared to present sometime on or after Wednesday, March 11th, 2009.