Monday, February 28, 2011


Your presentations on your New York City neighborhoods are due. Each presentation must have five slides:

1) A title slide including your name and the name of the neighborhood

2) A fact, stated in your own words, with a citation (a statement explaining where you got the fact from) and a real, historical picture that illustrates that fact

3) A second fact, stated in your own words, with a citation (a statement explaining where you got the fact from) and a real, historical picture that illustrates that fact

4) A third fact, stated in your own words, with a citation (a statement explaining where you got the fact from) and a real, historical picture that illustrates that fact

5) A concluding slide in which you state what you feel you have learned from your research.

We will be showing them tomorrow. I will save them to my flash drive. Please name them with your name plus the neighborhood. My presentation would be CamillaUpperWestSide, for instance. When you are ready for your work to be saved, raise your hand and I will come over to you and copy your Powerpoint onto my flash drive so we can display it tomorrow. Be prepared to talk about what you learned as we show the slides.

You must also have THREE WEB SITE PARAPHRASE FORMS in your folder, to prove that the words on your slide are actually your words, and not plagiarized. Those three forms are essential in order to receive credit.

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