Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tamng of the Shrew - Characters

This cycle we have been reading and translating The Taming of the Shrew. We are also watching "Kiss Me, Kate. By now you are familiar with the personalities of Katharina, Bianca and Petruchio, as well as knowing Lucencio, Batista, Gremio and Hortensio as additional characters. Here is the list we made of some personality traits of the principal characters:

stubbornpersistentpromiscuous with her affections
viciousdirecthas many suitors
meanmoney-hungryhas the guys competing for her attention
angrya leaderher father's favorite
has an attitudeannoyingobedient
jelous of Biancacockydemure
violent"my way or the highway"polite

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