Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mapping the Journey

Charlene and Brandt from "World's End" were driving to Chicago. We know they were driving for many hours, and we know, by inference, that they were coming from another city.

Map out a journey from another city to Chicago. It must be at least 300 miles from Chicago, it must be a route that can be driven, and it must be through territory that you would like to explore.

Find a map of the United States on the Internet. Print it out, and draw out your route. This assignment must be handed in to Camilla.

This mapping exercise will serve as the basis for your research. You will be researching the terrain you have outlined that you would traverse on your journey to Chicago.

Think about this: What places would you have to go through? Why have you chosen this particular route? This week you will begin to explore the towns, cities, highways, byways and natural formations that you would encounter in such a journey.

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