Monday, May 17, 2010

Cycle 6: Upcoming Work, Previous Assignments, Materials Needed

Because of the cycle system, some of you did not write papers last cycle, because you were not in this class.  You will be working with previous students' papers and research documents.  Your job is to create a bibliography for the paper you're working on, and make sure that the citations within the paper are correct.  We want to end up with the kind of paper that you could legitimately submit for an introductory college course.  Use the criteria outlined in the previous posts to correct the paper and create the bibliography.  Those materials are both available online, and in the classroom. 

If you have not corrected the first two papers we did as a group - the one on the Reformation and the one on domestic violence, you need to have those corrected and in your folders by week's end.  Those papers are available in the classroom only. 

Notebooks were handed out today to each student who was in attendance.  They will be used for daily writing assignments.  If you do not have a notebook you need to make sure to get one from me.  Please write your name on the first page of the notebook, and nowhere else.  I would like to use the remaining pages for next year, so please do not deface the book.  Thanks!

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