Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some Hints for Writing Your Poem

How do you write a poem based on a visual metaphor?  We did it as a class, so that students would have an example about how to translate their visual metaphors into descriptive words.   Each class wrote a poem based on an animal a class member had chosen as a visual metaphor.  In Period 5, the class picked a lion, and wrote this poem:

I am King of the Jungle
Dangerous, fast in reaction
Aggressive, fast to attack
Courageous and
Impervious to distraction.
Though, growing up as a cub,
It was a mirror image of what’s happening now,
I was the deer, I was the gazelle, I was the zebra
Unable to avoid destruction.
I earned my crown creating treason,
Betraying my followers,
I learned how to become destruction
That’s why I’m King -
For a reason.

The students of Period 7 picked a crocodile, and wrote this poem:

I am a crocodile,
Patient, hungry and versatile.
I’m evil – there’s no denial.
I am keen to get my prey
And show only my eyes.
My sharp teeth will rip through your flesh
And my mind will get me to your death.

What kind of people are we describing here?  The lion, Period 5 decided, is a person who is fierce and ruthless.  The crocodile, according to Period 7, is a person who is cunning, devious and dangerous.

Reminder: Make sure you have a completed Visual Metaphors Response Sheet saved to your account.  Once that is completed you may begin writing your poem, based on the three visual metaphors in your Visual Metaphors Response Sheet. 

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